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Thursday 3 October 2013

Pick yourself some flowers.

Welcome to Fashion & Sound garden.

This is my first post, therefore I think it's only right that I introduce myself and explain what I want Fashion & Sound garden to be about. Put your feet up & boil that kettle good babe, s'gonna be a long one h0n.

My name is Louise and I'm a 21 y/o Arts student in Dublin, city that never shuts the fuck up. 
By Arts, I don't mean keeping my colours inside the lines. I study German along with English, and while they're both head wrecking at the best of times, I do enjoy them. Probably the 10% that I go to lectures. Ok, for real though, I'm getting a degree because it's the only security for a safe future these days. OBV if I had my way I'd be chilling on a beach in Greece, sipping on a dozen French Martinis. Still though, life is great. So mon'...lets settle a sort of repoire. I'm a cancer and my favourite colour is definitely fushia. It's not pink and it's not purple but I like the idea of an equal mixture of both. My birthday is on the 1st of July and I talk all the time. Genuinely if you gave me a general enough topic on the spot, I could lash out the chat for a good 10mins, minimum no qs asked. I'm also an idiot at the best of times. I'm the girl who walks out of the toilet & into a German history lecture of 300 people with her skirt tucked into her tights. Probably the girl who runs after a bus even though loads of little kids are laughing and pointing from the top floor. Also the girl who can't remember falling down the whole main stairway of D2s in first year, coincidentally bruising both legs to the point where she's stuck in tights for the rest of the semester. 

Now that the introduction is finally out of the way...
Why are you here?

Well, I've decided to start a new blog. As you know, I've called it Fashion & Sound garden. Does exactly what it says on the tin. It's my own personal space for expression, visa vie music and fashion trends. These days, the internet really is the easiest and most interesting way to express yourself. If you're not in the mood to talk to someone, you don't have to. If you don't know someone who likes that band you're obsessed with, more than likely you'll find someone online. It's cheaper than a paperback & you can virtually share anything and everything with people who live thousands of miles away, in countries none of us will ever even have the chance to visit. So yep, ready or I blog. 

I'm doing this because I love to write. I'm also doing this because I've had a number of complaints about the amount of linkage I post on facebook on a day to day basis. OK JOKE but in fairness yiz'll thank me later. I am queen of spam. HEAR ME ROAR.

So I plan to post on a monthly basis. It might just be a play by play of a few of my favourite songs that month or maybe I'll be talking shite about how FAB or NOT FAB ASOS are being. NOBODY KNOWS. Guess you'll have to wait to find out. In the meantime, just so I don't leave you on an empty stomach.. I'm going to leave a few bits & pieces to chew on so you can get a general taste of what's going to be on my menu. Hope you like. 

P.S. If you don't know what/who ASOS is...GTFO.


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